PayPal is one of the world's most popular methods of sending and receiving payments online. Because of this and because of various scam attempts in the past, many people are wondering if PayPal is secure and how it protects their users' data and money. We can tell you right off the bat that PayPal is very safe: it has various security features, let's see which ones: PayPal security tools PayPal is a very large company and owes its reputation partly to the seriousness with which it handles payment security and user protection. From this point of view, with regard to both senders and recipients of payments, PayPal has implemented 3 advanced security solutions:

- Site and Purchase Encryption

- Purchase Protection System

- Fraud Protection System.

PayPal Encryption

PayPal's website uses HTTPS and TLS advanced security protocols, so all personal data entered on the site and transmitted during transactions is encrypted to prevent hackers from intercepting it.

Purchase Protection

PayPal If you buy a product with your PayPal account and it does not match the seller's description or you are the victim of a scam, you can request cancellation of the transaction and a refund of your purchase. With this system PayPal openly sides with the buyer. In fact, this point is somewhat controversial because some online retailers complain about PayPal's permissiveness and the fact that many customers abuse it.

Fraud protection

PayPal PayPal claims to continuously monitor activity on its site and on users' terminal browsers to prevent cases of computer fraud. When we talk about fraud and PayPal, we mainly refer to phishing cases that have occurred in the past. Unfortunately, when a platform is used by millions of people, it is immediately targeted by hackers, and this is certainly not the company's fault. PayPal monitors, reports and blocks fraud attempts, but the ultimate responsibility falls on the user. Follow the tips at the end of this guide to use PayPal safely and protect yourself from fraud.

In short, how secure is PayPal?

We have seen what PayPal actively does to protect its users, but in general what you probably want to know is how safe it is to use PayPal to pay on the Internet. The answer again is positive: PayPal, when used following our advice, is a reliable and safer online payment method than using ATMs, checks, or wire transfers. Here are the main reasons why paying with PayPal is safer:

- Paying with PayPal does not give out your account number or your credit/debit card information.

- If you link a credit card to your PayPal account, in the event of an account breach the hacker will not have access to your bank account and unauthorized money transfers will be refunded to you by your banking entity.

- With PayPal you can apply for a prepaid card: it is not the most convenient, but it ensures that you can choose how far to trust the service. The prepaid card is a kind of online wallet: if it were to be hacked by a cybercriminal, you would lose only the money deposited up to that point (and not your entire account balance).

- PayPal uses the same security protocols as the most trusted e-commerce websites. As an example, when you buy a plane ticket or a book, the online transaction platform and payment encryption of these sites are exactly the same as those used by PayPal.

In summary, paying and receiving payments with PayPal is safe and convenient, but to be 100 percent protected, follow these 7 security tips for online payments:

1. Link your PayPal account to your credit card instead of your ATM or checking account.

2. Don't click on links in PayPal emails, because they may be phishing messages. For added security, personally type the PayPal site address into your browser.

3. Access PayPal only from your own devices, never from public computers or computers shared with other people, such as those in libraries or airports.

4. Do not access PayPal when using a public or open Wi-Fi connection. If you move around a lot and need access to your online accounts even when using Wi-Fi at the coffee shop or gym, connect to a VPN.

5. Buy only from verified sellers with a good reputation and on reputable sites.

6. Use a unique username and password for PayPal. Create an effective password!

7. Use the PayPal account as if it were your bank account: check transactions periodically and do not disclose the details.

As we have seen, paying and receiving payments online is safe, especially with PayPal and if you follow basic cybersecurity rules. The important thing is to keep your eyes wide open and not trust suspicious emails, connections and vendors.