Welcome! We would not yet be ready to put online the site that has been thoroughly revised in its layout, content and offerings. However, we preferred, even though we are still halfway done, to go online because of the many requests we have received and are receiving. We created a different site because we did not want the same to be reduced to just a commercial showcase, rather we would like it to become an in-depth element on the world of food and wine, traditions, history and art of this land, Sicily, so dense with values to be discovered. Here is the reason why, little by little, the site will be enriched with columns on the territory, history, food and wine pairings, Art and Crafts and last but not least on solidarity. Below is a brief guide on navigation.


We are convinced that an e-commerce site, closely linked to a territory, should also host guides and tips for visiting towns and cities of that territory, useful tools to plan your stay in the most important locations, necessary to live to the fullest, or to understand in all its details the sensory experience.


Likewise, we believe that a site of such high specialization cannot limit itself to providing distinctive elements of the product, rather it should be a source of knowledge of its origins, history and traditions, but also of the ways of preparing typical Sicilian recipes, including through Webinars and specific equipment that will facilitate the work.

Food and wine pairings

Last but not least is the need to spread the culture of food/wine pairing, through which to enhance the qualities of one and the other. Therefore, so that each of your choices can represent an unforgettable moment, wherever possible, we will advise and propose the most appropriate pairings.

Art and Craftsmanship

But Sicily is not only food and wine it is also the culture of art and that is why in the panorama of artistic representations that have in their DNA this wonderful land, we have also identified author productions in the panorama of ironic and contemporary Sicilian Artists.


Finally, we certainly cannot overlook what is the most important endowment of the inhabitants of this wonderful land of Sicily: THE HEART. For those of us who can afford to look back and observe those who are worse off than we are, a small concrete gesture of support, choosing from the Associations we are highlighting this year, can certainly give us even greater satisfaction, leaving even from afar a small part of our heart in solidarity to those less fortunate than us.